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Good Company Theatre Presents “Eurydice” by Sarah Ruhl

Eurydice (Good Theatre Company)

Tales of love and loss are as ancient as humanity. In Greek mythology, Orpheus is the forlorn hero so desperate to reunite with his lover Eurydice that he endures multiple trips to the underworld. For playwright Sarah Ruhl, the often overshadowed character of Eurydice was the true protagonist of the story.

Eurydice lets the titular character take center stage on strange trip through the underworld. She encounters several bizarre figures who live there, as well as her beloved father, who she struggles to remember. With modern flourishes, and an odd sense of play, this retelling imagines her desperate to hang on to herself as her lived life fades in the waters of the river Styx.

“Sarah Ruhl is a master of the theatrical experience,” Good Company Theatre Co-Director Alicia Washington notes. “Eurydice is sparse, witty, and filled with the kind of stage magic that makes a play special.”

This show is directed by Nicole Finney (The Nether, The Appeal). It features performances by Katie Evans as Eurydice (In The Heights, HMS Pinafore), Enrique Garibay as Orpheus (The Appeal, The Christians), Michael Solarez (The Christians), Josh Robinson as Interesting Man, and McKalle Dahl, Seth Foster (American Idiot, Appropriate), and Sydnie Schwartzwalder as The Stones.

Eurydice is acceptable for audiences over age 13. It runs October 12-November 4, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, and Sundays and 2nd Saturday at 4pm. Tickets are available for $20 at and at the door before each performance.